An object-oriented, multi-threaded HTTP server framework written in Dart.

One framework. Everything you need.

Aqueduct is an extensible HTTP framework for building REST APIs on top of the Dart VM. It includes a statically-typed ORM, OAuth 2.0 provider, automated testing libraries and OpenAPI 3.0 integration.

Up and running in just a moment.

λ brew install dart
λ pub global activate aqueduct
λ aqueduct create my_app
λ cd my_app
λ aqueduct serve

Incredible documentation and a Slack channel for when you get stuck. For more detailed setup instructions, see this guide.

Multi-threaded out of the box

Aqueduct's memory-isolated threads leverage every CPU without writing any code. No race conditions or complicated synchronization logic to worry about.

Fluid Routing

A familiar, higher-order functional syntax makes application flow easy to construct and read.

  .link(() => Authorizer(validator))
  .link(() => TeamController(databaseContext));

Statically-typed ORM and Database Migration

Powerful, statically typed queries enable code-completion and refactoring tools while minimizing error. Tested command-line tooling for database migrations makes data management a breeze.

final query = Query<Team>(context)
  ..where((t) => t.skills).contains('aqueduct')
  ..join(object: (t) => t.manager)
  ..join(set: (t) => t.developers);

final teams = await query.fetch();

OAuth 2.0 Server

A rigorously tested OAuth 2.0 server in just a few lines of code. A layered implementation allows you to store tokens and client identifiers anywhere without rewriting the logic.

final delegate = ManagedAuthDelegate<User>(dbCtx);
final auth = AuthServer(delegate);

  .link(() => AuthController(auth));

  .link(() => AuthCodeController(auth));

Productive Request Bindings

Boilerplate-avoiding meta-programming increases productivity, avoids simple errors and makes sure your API handles errors correctly and consistently.

Future<Response> updateTeam(
    @Bind.path('id') int teamID,
    @Bind.body() Team team,
    @Bind.header('x-required-header') String requiredHeader,
    {@Bind.query('optional_timestamp') DateTime timestamp}) {
  return Response.ok(team);

Integrated Test Library

Aqueduct was built to be tested. Know that your code works from end-to-end without fragile mocking. Use continuous integration tools like TravisCI with ease.

test('GET /teams returns 200 and list of teams', () async {
  final response = await agent.get('/teams');
    body: everyElement({
      'id': greaterThan(0),
      'name': isNotNull

OpenAPI 3 Integration

Powerful reflection and static analysis tools allow you to automatically generate OpenAPI 3 documents from your source code. Generate client integration code and deploy first class documentation without extra effort.

openapi: "3.0.0"
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Aqueduct API

Releases you can count on.

Guaranteed by over 1400 automated tests and counting.