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Creating AuthServers to Authenticate and Authorize

An AuthServer is a service that handles creating, verifying and refreshing authorization tokens. You create an AuthServer in your application channel and inject into types that deal with authorization. This types include:

  • Authorizer: middleware controller that protects endpoint controllers from unauthorized access
  • AuthController: endpoint controller that grants access tokens
  • AuthCodeController: endpoint controller that grants authorization codes to be exchanged for access tokens

An AuthServer must persist the data it uses and creates - like client identifiers and access tokens. Storage is often performed by a database, but it can be in memory, a cache or some other medium. Because of the many different storage mediums, an AuthServer doesn't perform any storage itself - it relies on an instance of AuthServerDelegate specific to your application. This allows storage to be independent of verification logic.

Creating Instances of AuthServer and AuthServerDelegate

AuthServerDelegate is an interface that an AuthServer uses to handle storage of client identifiers, tokens and other authorization artifacts. An AuthServer must be created with a concrete implementation of AuthServerDelegate. Aqueduct contains a concrete implementation of AuthServerDelegate that uses the ORM. It is highly recommended to use this implementation instead of implementing your own storage because it has been thoroughly tested and handles cleaning up expired data correctly.

This concrete implementation is named ManagedAuthDelegate<T>. It exists in a sub-package of Aqueduct and must be explicitly imported. Here's an example of creating an AuthServer and ManagedAuthDelegate<T>:

import 'package:aqueduct/aqueduct.dart';
import 'package:aqueduct/managed_auth.dart';

class MyApplicationChannel extends ApplicationChannel {  
  AuthServer authServer;

  Future prepare() async {
    final context = ManagedContext(...);
    final delegate = ManagedAuthDelegate<User>(context);
    authServer = AuthServer(delegate);


(Notice that ManagedAuthDelegate has a type argument - this will be covered in the next section.)

While AuthServer has methods for handling authorization tasks, it is rarely used directly. Instead, AuthCodeController and AuthController are hooked up to routes to grant authorization tokens through your application's HTTP API. Instances of Authorizer secure routes in channels. All of these types invoke the appropriate methods on the AuthServer. Here's an example ApplicationChannel subclass that sets up and uses authorization:

import 'package:aqueduct/aqueduct.dart';
import 'package:aqueduct/managed_auth.dart';

class MyApplicationChannel extends ApplicationChannel {
  AuthServer authServer;
  ManagedContext context;

  Future prepare() async {
    context = ManagedContext(...);
    final delegate = ManagedAuthDelegate<User>(context);
    authServer = AuthServer(delegate);

  Controller get entryPoint {
    final router = Router();

    // Set up auth token route- this grants and refresh tokens
    router.route("/auth/token").link(() => AuthController(authServer));

    // Set up auth code route- this grants temporary access codes that can be exchanged for token
    router.route("/auth/code").link(() => AuthCodeController(authServer));

    // Set up protected route
      .link(() => Authorizer.bearer(authServer))
      .link(() => ProtectedController());

    return router;

For more details on authorization controllers like AuthController, see Authorization Controllers. For more details on securing routes, see Authorizers.

Using ManagedAuthDelegate

ManagedAuthDelegate<T> is a concrete implementation of AuthServerDelegate, providing storage of authorization tokens and clients for an AuthServer. Storage is accomplished by Aqueduct's ORM. ManagedAuthDelegate<T>, by default, is not part of the standard aqueduct library. To use this class, an application must import package:aqueduct/managed_auth.dart.

The type argument to ManagedAuthDelegate<T> represents the application's concept of a 'user' or 'account' - OAuth 2.0 terminology would refer to this type as a resource owner. A resource owner must be a ManagedObject<T> subclass that is specific to your application. Its table definition must extend ResourceOwnerTableDefinition and the instance type must implement ManagedAuthResourceOwner<T>, where T is the table definition. A basic definition may look like this:

class User extends ManagedObject<_User>
    implements _User, ManagedAuthResourceOwner<_User> {

class _User extends ResourceOwnerTableDefinition {
  @Column(unique: true)
  String email;

By extending ResourceOwnerTableDefinition in the table definition, the database table has the following four columns:

  • an integer primary key named id
  • a unique string username
  • a password hash
  • a salt used to generate the password hash

A ResourceOwnerTableDefinition also has a ManagedSet of tokens for each token that has been granted on its behalf.

The interface ManagedAuthResourceOwner<T> is a requirement that ensures the type argument is both a ManagedObject<T> and ResourceOwnerTableDefinition, and serves no other purpose than to restrict ManagedAuthDelegate<T>'s type parameter.

This structure allows an application to declare its own 'user' type while still enforcing the needs of Aqueduct's OAuth 2.0 implementation.

The managed_auth library also declares two ManagedObject<T> subclasses. ManagedAuthToken represents instances of authorization tokens and codes, and ManagedAuthClient represents instances of OAuth 2.0 clients. This means that an Aqueduct application that uses ManagedAuthDelegate<T> has a minimum of three database tables: users, tokens and clients.

ManagedAuthDelegate<T> will delete authorization tokens and codes when they are no longer in use. This is determined by how many tokens a resource owner has and the tokens expiration dates. Once a resource owner acquires more than 40 tokens/codes, the oldest tokens/codes (determined by expiration date) are deleted. Effectively, the resource owner is limited to 40 tokens. This number can be changed when instantiating ManagedAuthDelegate<T>:

final delegate = ManagedAuthDelegate(context, tokenLimit: 20);

Configuring the Database

ManagedAuthDelegate<T> requires database tables for its users, tokens and clients. Use the database command-line tool on your project to generate migration scripts and execute them against a database. This tool will see the declarations for your user type, ManagedAuthToken and ManagedAuthClient and create the appropriate tables.